Walking The Path Others Do Not

아무도 가지 않는 길을 걷는다 - 아마존 베스트셀러


Allen Chung (알렌정)

​University of Toronto l 경영학/심리학

Walking the path others do not l Amazon Kindle (English Ver.) 베스트셀러 저자

ALC21 Inc./ALC21 LLC. | Founder & CEO, Principal Consultant

Zenex Enterprises Limited. | Former Vice President, Sales & Marketing Executive

Fuerza North America | President, Executive Director

ELCA (Entrepreneurial Leadership Canada) l Chairman

AGAR Place | Director, Marketing Executive

Toronto Maker (Non-Profit Organization, 비영리단체) l President

SZM Inc. | Managing Director, Marketing Executive

Toronto Film School l Internship Program Mentor

세계한인무역협회 | 2017 & 2018 부산시 글로벌 마케터 (캐나다 지역)

사단법인 식문화세계교류협회 | 해외 홍보대사


【ALC21 Vlog 브이로그 #1】

【ALC21 Vlog 브이로그 #2】

【ALC21 Vlog 브이로그 #3】

【ALC21 Vlog 브이로그 #4】

【ALC21 Vlog 브이로그 #5】

【ALC21 Vlog 브이로그 #6】